Rostec Engineering Administration: Christianehøj 43, 2860 Søborg, Denmark - Email - Phone +45 3967 6438
ASD16HD Video and Audio Sync Reference Generator.
Features: • HD video output (tri-level sync): 1080p, 1080i, 1035i, 720p, compliant with SMPTE 274M, 240M and 296M • SD video output (bi-level sync): PAL 25 Hz or NTSC 29.97 Hz • Test pattern generator, PAL and NTSC Color Bar, HD hatch pattern. • AES3 output: 44.1, 48, 96 kHz *AES3id output: 44.1, 48, 96 kHz • Word output: 44,1, 48, 96 kHz • AUX output: Word x1, x2, x4, x32, x64 x128 x 256 ,(DSD, DSX, DXD, Super clock) CBL (Z-preamble) • The internal reference is based upon an Oven Crystal Oscillator. Accuracy 0.2 ppm (0.2 x 10E-6), 0 – +50 deg.C • HD and SD video sync input accepts bi-level and tri-level syncs.16 different video sync input formats are supported. • AES sync input at 44.1, 48, 96 kHz. • Word clock sync input at 32 KHz, 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 96 kHz, 192 kHz, 2.048 MHz (E1 2 Mbit clock) and GPS 10 MHz/1PPS • Extensive interoperability between sync inputs and sync outputs ( see Appendix section in data sheet) • Automatic delay calculation ensures correct alignment between video frame and AES block/Word edge/1PPS. • The video odd/even alignment for interlaced formats is maintained, even between different video input/output formats. • Extreme sync safety. Active “de-bouncing” of inputs by means of a intelligent input detector and a high precision fly-wheel. • Switching between all available references is performed by a soft glide function. • No annoying LCD display with lots of sub menus on sub menus. Easy operation via the no-nonsense front layout. • Glide mode and input de-bouncing efficiently absorbs sync drop-outs • Excellent jitter and wander specifications. • Linear low noise power supply • Sturdy steel metal sheet casing. • Affordable price. ASD16HD technical/user manual
The ASD16HD is a high performance, high precision Digital Reference Generator designed to operate as master or as slave in a broadcast, video or audio studio environment. It runs on an internal low jitter AES Grade 1 oven crystal reference oscillator. It generates 16 different SD and HD video sync output formats (bi-level and tri-level), 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz and 96 kHz AES3, AES3id and Word Clock. It features two AUX outputs that functions as  Word clock multipliers, supporting up to 256 times the sample rate frequency. The ASD16HD is able to synchronize to a range of input signals. It can lock the outputs to sixteen formats of incoming video sync, three AES sampling frequencies and eight clock frequencies. It has the ability to align the video frame to the 1PPS GPS pulse. A video output interlaced format will align the first frame (odd frame) to the 1PPS leading edge. A video output progressive format will align any frame to the 1PPS. The 1PPS works together with the 10 MHz input. Both signals must originate from the same GPS receiver. The ASD16HD has an extensive ability to bridge sync formats across various platforms. Whenever an integer relationship exists between the input and output Video Frame/AES block/Clock edges, the generator will lock the incoming and outgoing signals in perfect position sync. A separate processor calculates and applies the necessary time delay for the various format combinations in order to align frames and edges perfectly. If the input AES/Clock frequency and the video sync output frame rate have no simple mathematical relationship, the generator will perform a perfect frequency lock, i.e. input frequency accuracy is transferred directly to output frequency accuracy. The internal processor carries out the necessary mathematical calculations to find a common denominator and the generator performs a phase lock that will yield a perfect lock between the two frequencies. When locking to incoming video sync, the generator keeps track of odd/even frames in interlaced formats, and it is able to synchronize the incoming odd/even frame to the outgoing odd/even frames, even when the formats are basically different. The only requisite is an identical frame rate for the input and output (see Appendix in the data sheet for a list of possible formats). The AES/Word/AUX outputs are always locked to the video sync output. When an integer relationship exists between the Video output frame and the AES/Word/AUX frequency, the ASD16HD generator keeps a perfect positional relationship between video frame start, AES block start and Word/AUX leading edge. The input locking mechanism is based upon an extensive sync safety philosophy. The circuit performs input “de-bouncing” which efficiently absorbs sync dropouts. It utilizes a combination of an intelligent fast reacting input detector, a high precision flywheel and a unique glide principle. When the incoming sync is erratic, the generator continues to smoothly generate output syncs, while it uses its flywheel to elegantly skip over the gaps and interruptions of the incoming sync signal. In the modern digital HD video world, video and audio are sampled, multiplexed, converted and interfaced to many different generations of equipment running at various seemingly incompatible formats. The buzz word among concerned technical personnel is "interoperability". Problems in synchronization are constantly imminent. And this is where the ASD16HD comes in. The format cross-locking ability and the sheer number of possible combination between sync in and sync out is mind boggling, and the precision, accuracy and reliability is outstanding. These qualities make the ASD16HD an invaluable, flexible and versatile tool for any broadcast, video or audio recording studio. When synchronizing a Broadcast/recording facility by the ASD16HD, the whole facility can be synchronized to a single incoming reference (video, AES, clock, GPS). Just plug the incoming reference into the ASD16HD and the whole facility immediately runs in perfect sync to the new reference. And if the incoming reference drops out, the ASD16HD uses its fly-wheel to skip over shorter intermittent drop-outs. If the drop-out lasts longer, the ASD16HD will softly switch to its internal reference, maintaining correct sync between all the connected equipment. When the incoming sync returns, the ASD16HD gently picks up the sync lock where it left off, and the whole facility will again run smoothly in perfect sync to the incoming reference. The changeover is so graceful and well behaved, that most drop-outs of the incoming reference will will go virtually unnoticed.